Sunday, December 27, 2015

The Gift of Love

That's a wrap! Cheesy joke, but honestly, I cannot believe that another Christmas has already passed. Where is the time going?
I'll confess that I was more than spoiled this year. Having two families makes for an explosion of surprises under the tree. However, what I found most exhilarating about this Christmas season, although (and I'll be honest) I was super excited to open gifts, I was more focused on giving. 
My husband has been obsessed with plants lately. On our windowsill in our teeny kitchen are sitting three rock-and-seed filled glasses, which from my perspective make the kitchen less attractive. Being the perfectionist that I am--okay, more like have become because I wasn't always this way!--I decided to seek out a gift that looks more organized and suited for indoor gardening. I found the perfect gift within the budget Corey and I had set for ourselves. I couldn't wait to see his face on Christmas morning. It was killing me! 
Never in my life have I been so apt to give, let alone be elated about it.
As he ripped apart the ninety-nine cent wrapping paper, I saw the joy spread across Corey's face while the corners of my mouth nearly reached my ears. My cheeks quickly went numb from all the smiling and as they did, a thought entered my mind: is this how God felt when He sent His Son?
Innumerable are the blessings that God has given His children. To name a few, He's given us the gift of life, families, and Jesus Christ to give us the gospel and a way to find everlasting life.
I got excited over an indoor gardening system for my husband. There is no possible way that God has not been smiling ear to ear when He sees one of His dear children embracing one of His magnificent blessings.
I can only imagine the extent of God's joy when He sees a child embrace the gospel that His Son provided for us. The gospel of Jesus Christ is, by far, the greatest blessing that God has equipped us with, and the moment an individual decides that it's time to live it, I'm sure the Lord's heart bursts.
Lately, I've been pondering my conversion to the gospel. I remember distinctly five years ago, shortly after my sixteenth birthday, when I decided to turn away from the devious life I had led and turn towards the Savior. I knew that what I had been doing was wrong, but I was afraid to admit it because it was more fun than living what some might call the "Molly Mormon lifestyle". Finally, the two years of built up guilt consumed me. I knelt at my bedside and I pleaded with God to ease the burden and I promised to give my life to Him. Never in my life have I felt peace the way I felt it that Sunday evening. I knew that God loved me.
I decided to confide in my mom and tell her about my troubles. Honestly, I thought she'd be livid knowing the mistakes I'd made, but instead, she hugged me and cried. As she embraced me, I felt a fraction of what God must have felt for me in that moment.
Had Jesus Christ not volunteered to perform the Atonement for us, I would not have learned what I did that night. I wouldn't understand love to the least degree, nor would I understand God. If it weren't for the Savior, I wouldn't be where I am today. I wouldn't have the truth--actually, none of us would. The future of our souls is solely dependent on the infinite sacrifice of God's Only Begotten Son. Because of Him, we have the truth. Because of Him, we can be saved. Because of Him, we can find everlasting peace and joy in the comfort of the arms of God. Because of Him, we can be eternally sealed to our beloved families. Because of Him, we can have everything.
As we ring in the new year in a few short days, as we make resolutions, remember that it is by the mercy of the Atonement that we are granted second chances when we've fallen short. If that isn't one of the greatest gifts of love, then I don't know what is!

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)

1 comment:

  1. I love you, Sarah! You express your thoughts so well, and all of what you say rings true! We have all fallen short, and need the second chance (and then some) that the atonement provides. Thank you for sharing this!


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