Friday, January 20, 2017


I rarely get political on my blog, but I have something I need to say, and I feel I should say it here.
Each individual in our country found a candidate to back from the beginning of this election who they felt would defend their ideals, morals, and beliefs. 
Let me back up to these two words: they felt.
As people, we tend to have our own opinions. Each of us feel there is a certain way to run this country, to really make the nation flourish.
We blatantly call people "ignorant" and "stupid", but for what reason? 
Why do you think there is a divide in our government? 
One side feels they will lead the country in the right way, as does the other. 
I can't sit here, typing away an opinion that portrays an idea that the right is correct, nor can I tell you the left is correct. 
For eight years, I accepted a president that I didn't quite agree with on every policy, every decision, every statement. Despite my disagreement with his views, I allowed him to be my president. Why? Because I could tell he loves America. 
Again, I'm not trying to be entirely political--but only to share my perspective on differences with my readers. 
Conservatives may think I need to be put in a straight jacket because the perception is our former president did everything in his power to hurt America.
I strongly disagree.
What he did, however, is do his job to the best of his ability, in the way that he and his party felt right and fair. How can I point my finger at a man who did more for America than I ever have--despite my differing views and opinions? How can I be so lax as to say he was a horrible president when he fought his hardest to do right by the American people?
I feel it is unfair to call others out because of things they find deeply concerning when it comes to...really anything in life. 
While something may not cause you to quake in your boots, that same issue may snatch the ground from beneath someone's feet causing them to fall, and fear. Because it doesn't concern you and your conscience, spirituality, or political belief, that does not immediately stamp another's concern as illegitimate.
The same can be found true when the roles are reversed. 
Because something is concerning to you, but not to another person, that doesn't immediately call for the label "ignorant". 
I understand how we're divided, and it isn't because of the fight between Republicans and Democrats. 
I'm tired of the name-calling, the hatred, the unwillingness to listen, the intolerance of anyone who might have an opinion of vast difference from another. 
We have a new president--one that I really didn't want in office, but here we are.
I don't blame democracy, nor do I blame the people who voted for him.
I don't blame anything or anyone for the position filled by a man I found to be vile (understatement).
I have had so many concerns regarding this new presidency, but I have decided to open myself up to understanding, and acceptance, and allow this man a chance to do right by America.
I have found, though, as I have tried to be open that I have been blasted by others who firmly disagree with his ideals without any consideration as to my previous stance on his election as president. 
Can we stop? 
Can we be more open?
Can we try to give this man a chance as president?
Can we speak up to the capitol--without violent protests--if our rights are not being defended during his presidency?
Can we accept others' views while still holding our ground?
Can we stop pretending like we know someone's heart because of who they stand behind during an election?

With all politics aside, this is exactly how I feel when it comes to any other disagreements--education, religion, football to name a few.
I said the same thing when the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the LGBT community two summers ago--love despite differences. 
I still stand firm to that now.

God bless America.

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