Sunday, June 28, 2015

Love Despite Differences

In light of this week's court ruling, I do think that what the Supreme Court has decided is quite exciting! I can understand the thoughts and feelings that those of the homosexual orientation are feeling right now must be overwhelming. While I don't support gay marriage, I don't feel it is my place to judge or discriminate, or even try to fight the ruling because I can't change anything, but instead, to share my belief as a follower of God. Although the law of the land has changed, His law remains the same. He gave us the precious gift of freedom to act and choose for ourselves. Each and every one of us are here because we once chose to follow Jesus Christ. The purpose of our life here on earth is to find our way back to God by trying our best to live in accordance with His will. Now, I can't say that I don't live in sin, because I do. I sin every day. We all do! But our sins are between us and the Lord. The great thing about the gospel of Jesus Christ is that we can all change because of His Son's atoning sacrifice in our behalf--in ways big and small. No matter what you do, whether you change or not, God will always love you, but He knows what's best for all of us and He knows that the best way to find true happiness--not only in this life but in the next-- is through abiding by the laws He's set in place. As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we often stand up for what we believe. We don't do it to be condescending or to make anyone feel bad (or at least that's not most of our intentions!). The reason why we share so many things in regards to same-sex marriage is because we believe that marrying someone in the bounds that our God has set, we will find the most joy and we want this for everyone. So. With that said, we may not have the same stance on whether or not gay marriage is morally sound, but that's okay. I still love you and I love all of my friends who are homosexual. But here's what I believe!

1 comment:

  1. I came across this and after reading, its evident we lead 2 very different lifestyles as im not very in touch with religion and im a huge supporter of gay marriage. I just want to say with all differences aside, this is one of the most mature and respectable opinions from someone who doesnt support gay marriage ive yet to come across. And for that i respect you.


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